Spokane Tribal Police Update – 10/22
Spokane Tribal Police
October Report 2022Racom Communications came out on Sept 30th and met with Broadband technicians to look at the tower sites for moving forward with equipment purchase and installation for repeaters for law enforcement. The FCC approved licensing for four new repeater sites to enhance emergency communications.
The Chief met on the 30th with BIA Communications Chief from Denver Colorado. In the meeting he was with the BIA Drug investigator, Chief of the Kalispel Police, and Chief of Airway Heights Police, talking about interoperability for our agencies in 800 MHZ communications. The BIA is willing to assist us in building on the infrastructure for this project with no cost to the tribe.
Our new server has been ordered for the Spillman computer which is the last obstacle for our deployment of laptops to the vehicles.
On Monday, Oct 10th, our department participated in the Head Start walk for Cancer to the Pow Wow Grounds. The littles ones did an excellent job in getting to the Pow Wow grounds in under a half hour.
On Oct 11th, The Chief met online with Julian Day, who is our Lexipol consultant and she is working on our policy and procedure manual for the department.
Oct 18th, The Chief sat on the Oral Boards for Airway Heights Police to assist in the selection of a new Lieutenant. This was an all-day event and was in four phases. Application, Written, Presentation, and oral board. There were three candidates interviewed.
Oct 20th was my Chiefs and Sheriffs luncheon at Northern Quest. It is a networking for the area Chiefs and sheriffs for trends or issues.
At 1900 hours the same day, Deputy Chief Allen called the Chief to advise of an Active Shooter event on the Colville Indian Reservation that was in progress. Deputy Chief Allen, Det Shockley and the Chief responded to the Colville Tribal Police Department to assist the other 100 officers from a multitude of agencies in the area. This is a no questions asked action when an officer is shot. FBI SA Hoff was in charge of the investigation and the Chief was assigned the task of evidence processing, while Deputy Chief Allen processed a crime scene with Det Shockley.