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Spokane Tribal Member Web Portal

The Spokane Tribe has added to their web page a news portal for Spokane Tribal Members who are 18 years or older. The content of this portal will contain information relating to the Spokane Tribe of Indians that is confidential and proprietary to the Spokane Tribe such as General Council information or special meetings and will only be available to the enrolled members of the Spokane Tribe.

Enrolled Spokane Tribal Members can request access to login by navigating to the web page https://www.spokanetribe.com/login/ . A link to this page can also be found on the main STOI home page in the upper right corner where it says, “Tribal Member Login.” When you fill out your request please do not use your work e-mail address. Instead use your personal address.

When your request is submitted your enrollment status will be verified by the STOI Enrollment Officer. Shortly after you will receive two emails. One confirming you being added as a user, and the second to set your password. The second email will also have your username. Once your password is set you can log in to the portal to view news intended for the Spokane Tribal Membership.