Salmon Fishing Event!

Spokane River Release Map Link

Tshimikain Chinook Harvest Map Link

To:          The Spokane Tribe of Indians

From:     Conor Giorgi, Anadromous Program Manager

CC:         Brent Nichols, Division Director
Chad McCrea, Department of Natural Resources Director

Date:      August 10, 2022

RE:         Salmon Events – Salmon are returning to our waters!


Your Department of Natural Resources is pleased to provide an opportunity to harvest Chinook salmon from Tshimikain Creek. About 60 Chinook salmon have been released to a fenced section of the creek just downstream of Tshimikain Falls. There will not be an organized event but the fish will be available from August 10th through Wednesday, August 17th so you may come and go as you please. Since there are not many fish please limit your harvest to one per household. When the fence is pulled any salmon remaining in the river will be free to move about Tshimikain to spawn as they have for the past several years.

  • Who: Spokane Tribe Citizens
  • What: Chinook Salmon Harvest Opportunity
  • Where: Tshimikain Creek day use area downstream of Tshimikain Falls
  • When: August 10th through August 17th
  • How: Net, spear, rod-and-reel, hand, club, whatever as long as it’s not explosive.

The harvest opportunity is not the only salmon event of the season. On August 24th the Spokane Tribe will be leading a multi-tribal release of Chinook to the Spokane River. This will be a large event that is open to the public and coordinated as part of the American Fisheries Society national meeting.  Citizens of the Tribe are encouraged to attend and participate in returning adult salmon to the Spokane River for the first time in over 100 years.


  • Who: Spokane Tribe Citizens and general public
  • What: Multi-Tribal Salmon Release to the Spokane River
  • Where: Sandifur Bridge at People’s Park
  • When: 1:30pm on Wednesday August 24th

Please contact the Spokane Tribal Fisheries office with any questions (509-244-7031).