Culture Basket Weaving Instructor
Click here for entire RFQ: RFQ Basket Weaving Instructor
Role and Responsibilities
Teaching specific project, Basket Weaving, infusing history and purpose of this item to all the people
attending this basket weaving cultural event. Assist with cleaning project areas, trash removal, set up
and tear down, supervise all in attendance. Will be held for 2 days.
Qualifications and Education Requirements
Dates: November 13, & 14, 2024
Instructors need to set up and be ready to teach at 8:00 a.m. each day.
Instruction will be taught 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. with half hour lunch break.
Please explain your experience in the positions your picked.
Role and Responsibilities
Teaching specific project, Basket Weaving, infusing history and purpose of this item to all the people
attending this basket weaving cultural event. Assist with cleaning project areas, trash removal, set up
and tear down, supervise all in attendance. Will be held for 2 days.
• Must be able to work with all people in a kind, respectful and culturally appropriate manner
• Must teach the skill as well as work hands on with students on projects
• Must learn the history and purpose of the art you are teaching
• Must be willing to adjust chosen art depending on the needs of the student due to age
• Must be able to pass a background check