COVID Quarantine Assistance Resources

Reminder if you need assistance during quarantine/COVID
Tribal Administration Monica Tonasket (509) 458-6538 For reservation residents (2) person quarantine facility available.
COVID-19 Positive $250 in Food/Cleaning Supplies Quarantine$] 50 in Food/Cleaning Supplies
Health and Human Services Tawhnee Colvin & Sara Carle (509) 258-7502
At high risk/COVID Exposure and or in Quarantine pursuant to physicians’ orders. To assist families in keeping them together.
Spokane Indian Housing Loren Bair (509) 818-1460 Emergency Rental/Mortgage Assistance Emergency temporary housing assistance to Indian families in immediate need of shelter due to homeless ness or unsafe living conditions.
Veteran’s Cheryl Covington (509) 258-7331
Gas money for Veterans to go to Dr. Appointments. If, COVID negative, transportation to appointments are available.
Emergency Medical Services Ron Samuels (509) 625-3512 Personal Protective Equipment available upon request.
Senior Citizen Angie Matt (509) 258-7129
Home delivered meals to homebound individuals 55+ or those 55 + who are not able to work due to COVID.
Food Distribution Program Scott Peone (509) 258-7145
$ 150 Emergency Food Voucher for Trading Post.
Spokane Tribal 477 Program (509) 458-8000 Diversion services to eligible individuals affected by COVID-19.
If you are a current TANF/GA Client please reach out to your caseworker for any COVID needs.
TERO Joni Wynecoop (509) 258-7100 Elder Assistance General Welfare Program
Health and safety assistance to enrolled Tribal Members who have been in their homes for extended periods of time due to COVID-19.
Small Business Grant
Assistance for enrolled Tribal Members who own and operate businesses that have been directly affected by COVID-19 and have not received any assistance from any other source.