Entries by aaron scott

JOM (Johnson O’Malley) COMMITTEE

VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT The Spokane Tribe is seeking interested individuals* to serve on the following committees/board: JOM (Johnson O’Malley) COMMITTEE *Must be a parent of an eligible Indian student enrolled in […]

Wellpinit Water Issues

This morning we are experiencing a different water issue in the Wellpinit community; we have a water leak problem.  In order for us to repair the leak we would need […]

Emergency Water Notice 6/27/2022

Good Afternoon,  There is currently a Water supply issue that Utilities and Public Works has been made aware of. The Departments are working to restore water at this time and […]

Vacancy Announcements

The Spokane Tribe is seeking interested individuals to serve on the following boards/committees: HEALTH BOARD STICWAC (Indian Child Welfare Advisory Committee) TERO (Tribal Employment Rights) COMMISSION SIHA (Spokane Indian Housing […]

Spring Chinook Allocation 6/9/2022

Tribal crews will be traveling to Leavenworth on Thursday June 9, 2022 to pick up salmon and will be distributing to three locations. This is the first Salmon allocation of the year so….Please […]

The Šiʔtús Society

The Spokane Tribe of Indian’s Prevention Program is proud to announce the launch of their new youth leadership group named the Šiʔtús Society (Šiʔtús meaning the front or the leaders). […]